We have had a most enjoyable ‘Lifestyle’ year with many new ideas as well as activities residents would not like me to change.
Firstly, I would like to thank all of our, over 24, volunteers and our very enthusiastic staff. We could not do without these wonderful people.
As the saying goes variety is the spice of life and each volunteer and staff member brings their own individual talent, contributing to the delightful activities program for all residents.
What an adventure we have had over the past twelve months, it started with winter themed activities like “Lets rug up for winter” then weather songs, word games/ what am I? These are a fantastic way of keeping the brain thinking and recalling those good old days, food tasting always goes down very well we had meals of seafood, potatoes (John introduced many ways to eat the good old spud) pizza and pasta, Chinese, chocolate, cheese with a side taste of wine, fruit smoothies on several occasions in Summer, ice-creams then of course we have the in-house coffee shop that residents help cook the food for this activity (we need to gloat as we have won nine prizes in our local show in the past two years for cooking).
School students from two of our local schools visited when they could squeeze the time into their tight schedule. This always puts a smile on everyone’s face even if its listening to songs playing games or even just sitting and chatting. Sometimes the noise is rather high but we enjoy these visits.
Thanks to the teachers for the time needed to walk them to Kellock. The younger ones tend to walk slower as even a fallen leaf can stop the line but it’s worth the wait to see residents face light up.
Each year we have Armchair Travel to a country and in October 2017 we travelled to New Zealand. We started working on our decorations six months in advance even making a cardboard sheep, totem poles from inserts of plastic laundry bags, table decorations were harder to make but we did it and the day was fantastic! All residents select the next years country and yes, we started preparing for Spain, for 2018, decorations two months after New Zealand.
A very popular display day was provided when Dawn’s family displayed a Japanese crockery set made from egg shell that was bought after WWII and travelled to Australia from Britain. John also has a large collection of items from his travels over the years. Thanks to all for these displays we can’t see everything but we give it a red hot go.
Residents enjoy the craft and this has to be squeezed into our busy schedule of favourites such as weekly bingo and the Hoy card game, floor games such as carpet bowls, hit the target and quizzes.
In the warmer weather we did bus trips to the Odd Jug in Ruffy. Marysville triangle is a favourite, Tumbling waters then out to the Lake, afternoon tea at different cafes (always a full bus we need a bigger bus!). Visiting local gardens and just trips around town get a full bus also.
I could go on and on, but we have to keep you thinking what is going to happen next year? Thanks to all the lifestyle team for all the ideas and variety we have on our calendar.
Vivian Gill, Lifestyle Coordinator